Well you have unfortunately somehow ended up here. I would like to apologize in advance for the shenanigans and verbosity. I'm working on it, but if I'm being completely honest, I'm not really working on it, I’m just saying that I’m working on it.
I thought that maybe you'd like to know a bit about what to expect from Go Seek. So would I, but the best that I can do is invite you to join me on this little adventure. Right now, here's what I'm thinking: you'll hear from me occasionally - I'm not sure I'm quite ready for the weekly email, but let's imagine that I start this biweekly.
Now I know what you're thinking: which biweekly are you talking about? It's true, biweekly is terribly ambiguous. Bi, according to the team at Merriam-Webster can mean “occurring every two” AND “occurring twice in.” I would like to clarify for the record that there is no possible way that I will be sending you an email twice a week. That is nonsense. It is my pleasure to inform you that this will be a fortnightly email, arriving in your inbox (unless you’ve got overly aggressive spam filters, and if that’s the case, I guess I really don’t blame them) on the day of my choosing.
In these emails, you’ll first be treated to field notes from yours truly. Yes, I’m an expat in Kenya, and you may hear about that experience, but I’ll also be sharing numerous reflections on the hilarious (to me) nature of my anecdotal notes about teaching, the joys of working with children (except for my own, they are monsters), and other areas of focus that I’m currently involved in.
There will likely be other sections as well, relevant (and irrelevant) writing or articles, links to anything that I have recently published, and some resources for discussing reading with kids. I also hope that it goes without saying, I love dialogue and if there’s anything that I can do to make this publication actually useful for you, please let me know.
Not to worry, I will be saving my more serious writing and seeds of my research on my blog, Seek the Joy. I will also be resurrecting my Instagram and Twitter feeds, if either of those are your jam.
And with all that, I’ll leave you with this - I believe in the power of storytelling to change the world. Every culture and civilization has had storytelling in one form or another as a foundational building block upon which it has crafted its identity. Stories teach. Stories heal. Stories anger and bring joy. Most importantly to me, however, stories leave me with questions. I hope this newsletter does that for you as well. May we constantly nourish your curiosity and inquisitive natures.
So grab a cup of coffee and let’s start telling stories, shall we?
changing the world one misspilling at at time